RESEARCH METHODS - The TechLingual Corner


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Friday, 4 August 2023



People are important to companies because they have their own perspective, standards and elements to company life and organized efficiently, such human attributes could be of substantial advantages to companies. Most important enhancements in companies’ field in current times are the rising significance provided to HR. More and more concentration is being on the motivational factors of human behavior, specifically the requirement for self-respect, group fitting, and self-reality. This new developing of humanization and humanism throughout the world has in actual broadened the implementing principle’s scope of HRM in companies. The improvement of people, their capabilities and procedure improvement of whole company are key matters of HRM (Mullins, 1999). Recruitment is the procedure of appealing people on timely base, in adequate numbers and with suitable qualification (Walker, 2009). Therefore recruitment is procedure of recognizing and appealing capable applicants from inside and outer-side the company to start assessing them for upcoming employment.

In operation of company, recruitment is main function of HR department and recruitment procedure is initial step for making the competitive potency of companies. Recruitment procedure includes an organized process from finding the applicants to placing and carrying out the interviews and needs lots of time and resources. Companies utilize these procedures to raise the probability of hiring people who have the right abilities and skills to become effective on their job (Walker, 2009). It’s of greatest significance for each company to hire a correct individual on correct post. Recruitment has a key role during these conditions. With lack of abilities and fast extend of new technology utilizing substantial insist on how employer do recruitment activities, it’s suggested to carry out a stage-by-stage analysis of recruitment procedures.

Company background - Ooredoo

Ooredoo is working in Oman since 2004. In 2004, the organization started with name Nawras. It gave the public a proper prominence and choice for communication necessities. The company changed its name from Nawras to Ooredoo in 2014. Headquarters of the company are in Qatar and has more than 100 million customers all around globe. It is known as biggest telecom private company in the Sultanate. Ooredoo has strong image in country. The company recruits individuals every year. It confronts various issues and challenges while recruiting people. The recruitment process of Ooredoo helps the company to acquire the desired goals and objectives. Ooredoo has received several awards which include in 2011, Innovation in HR strategy award and excellent frontrunner from Middle East TMT Finance.


Objectives and Aims

This study describes recruitment process in Ooredoo. The key objective of study involves following:

~       To identify the importance of recruitment.

~       To evaluate impact of recruitment on the organizational performance.

~       To recommend helpful measure to enhance recruitment process, if any.


Recruitment is gradually becoming more important these days as more and more organizations struggle for quality in their performances in order to be competitive in the industry. Organizations are interested in comprehending main components of recruitment procedure and to select appropriate candidates for specific job positions. Recruitment is a vital part of business. This study is helpful for researcher because it could give related info about recruitment process. The study is helpful for the researcher in specific and company generally, to make an understanding on the impact of recruitment process on the organizational performance and measures which could be applied to enhance the recruitment procedure.  When companies recruit and select correct people for job, as well as treat them properly, the individuals not just make higher productivity but also are prefer to remain with company longer. A company might have all best resources and new technology, but if it doesn’t have correct people it will effort to accomplish the outcomes it goals or needs. This study is helpful as it could highpoint the main elements of recruitment process, which the company could take into account while taking decision of selecting or hiring appropriate candidates. Recruitment is accounted as principle of success in greatly competitive world of business currently. So, the topic could be accounted as crucial and time important.

Research questions

~       What is the recruitment effect on the organization performance?

~       What is the importance of recruitment procedure in your organization?

~       Does recruitment has effect on the performance of the employees, explain?


















Literature review

Recruitment is among the key function of Human Resource Management. Recruitment enables the manager to appeal and choose best applicants for company. Wilson and Parry (2009) said “recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”. According to Balasubramanian P. (2014) company makes vacancies known to bigger people’s number to company by publicity and advertisement and make bigger people’s number to apply is known as recruitment. Stone (2005) describes recruitment as procedure of attracting and looking for a pool of candidates from which qualified individuals for job vacancies in company can be chose.

Flippo (1980) said “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”. According to Leopold (2002) Recruiting is view as “positive process of generating a pool of candidates by reaching the “right” audience, suitable to fill the vacancy”.

Costello (2006) describes recruitment as set of procedures and activities utilized to officially get an adequate number of qualified individuals at correct time and place so the people and company can choose each other in long or short run. Opatha (2010) says recruitment is procedure of attracting and finding appropriately capable people to apply for vacancy of particular job in a company. Recruitment is set of activities a company utilizes to appeal job applicants who have the required attitude and abilities.

Recruitment grows the first in procedure that endures with selection and concludes with the employment of individual. It is the next stage in procurement function, the primary being the HR planning. Recruitment make probable to set free the types and number of people essential to make sure the constant function of company. Recruitment is finding of capable candidates for real or expected vacancies of company.

Recruitment means the procedure of attracting and recognizing job seeker so that to form a pool of qualified job candidates. The procedure consists of 5 correlated phases which are planning, strategy development, searching and evaluation and control. The ideal recruitment plan is the program which attracts or appeals reasonably huge number of qualified candidates who will endure the program procedure and agree to take position with company when vacant.

Importance of recruitment

Mayrhofer and Brewster (2012)  contend  that recruitment procedure is vital as it make sure  that  correct  workforce  joins  company thus assisting  the company in order  to meet its long and short term goals.  According to Niles (2013) recruitment is a procedure of company of appealing candidates to jobs in an organization. Recruitment is key function of HR department and recruitment procedure is the initial step to making competitive potency and recruitment strategic benefit for companies. In fast changing business environment of today, definite recruitment procedure is significant for companies to response to its HR needs at time. According to Dessler (2000), the significance and purpose of recruitment is that it helps in increasing the achievement rate of selection procedure by reducing the clearly under overqualified or qualifies job candidates, increase job applicant’s pool at low cost, motivate and attract more applicants to apply in company as well as help decreasing the possibility that job candidates once recruited and chosen would leave company just after short time period. Also, meet the social and legal responsibilities of the company related to the arrangement of its staff.


Impact of recruitment on the performance of organization

Davis (2004) says companies which effort to attract individuals without reference to supportive standards and recognition are taking the risk of unsuitable actions. Predictably, lack of efficient method for employee recruitment leads in unsuitable selections for particular jobs therefore the misleading of talent and skills. Odiorne (1984) proposes that quality of recruitment performs put in place by company is activity of application quantity which would be received, he also stated that concerned efficiency of coming HR stage (selection) is naturally reliant on the quality of candidate appealed. There is suitable rational proof to the influence or impact that one of basic challenges confronting companies in performance area is their incapability to put in place strategies proficient of recruiting skilled employees and selecting them to accomplish goals of the company (Judge and Heneman, 2003; Gberevbie, 2008; Cascio, 2003). Cole (2002) asserts that one of initial phase in preparation for recruitment of individuals into company is to create suitable procedures and policies.

Effectual recruitment is vital and important to the effective operating of company as it relies on finding individuals with required expertise, qualifications and skills to provide the objectives of the company and the capability to make affirmative participation to standards and goals of company (Sisson, 1994). Better recruitment strategies consequences in enhanced organizational results. The more efficiently companies recruit and choose applicants or individuals, more tending they are to employ and keep hold of gratified employees. Additionally, the efficiency of the selection procedure of the company could impact the base-line business results, like financial performance and production. Recruitment, as HRM function is among the activities which impact most significantly on company’s performance. Recruitment also has significant role to play in making sure employee performance and positive company results. Recruitment has a key vital role in forming performance and efficiency of a company, if work companies are able to get employees who already own related skills, aptitudes and knowledge as well and are also able to make an precise estimation concerning their future capabilities, recruiting and choosing workforce in efficient way could both avoid unwanted costs as an example those linked with great workforce turnover, dissatisfied consumers, poor performances, produce a jointly useful employment association regarded as, anywhere probable by huge obligation on both edges. Corbridge and Pilbeam (2006) give a helpful understanding or idea of potential negative as well as positive factors. Recruitment of employees is elementary to functioning of company and there are persuasive causes for getting it correct.

Recruiting is very significant for existence of each company but that doesn’t end there, new recruits require be developing and appraising from period to period in order for them to be well-informed with latest challenges and trends. When employees are acquired, it helps improve their performance as well as helps maintaining the company’s growth or development.




Research Methodology

Parahoo (1997) defines research design as “a plan that describes how, when and where data are to be collected and analysed”. According to Polit et al., (2001) a research design is “the researcher’s overall for answering the research question or testing the research hypothesis”. The study “Recruitment process in Ooredoo” is a try to assess recruitment procedure.

Type of research

Grove and Burns (2003) define descriptive research as, “is designed to provide a picture of a situation as it naturally happens”. To acquire the aim of the study, descriptive research design is embraced. The descriptive study is normally related with determining the impact of the recruitment process on the performance of Ooredoo.

Data collection

The technique utilized for collecting data will be both primary and secondary data. Primary data would be assembled by questionnaire while secondary data will be acquired from numerous info resources which are, website of company, textbooks, journals, magazines, annual report, and articles.

Data would be analyzed utilizing quantitative as well as qualitative method and demonstrated utilizing means of charts, tables, graphs to present important challenges and aspects which aid the study of the researcher.

Primary data

This study needs primary data concern to recruitment process in Ooredoo. For the existing study, the collected data is from the management or employees of Ooredoo. Employee means the individuals who are recruited by the company for the availability of vacancy for a particular job post.

Primary data is assembled chiefly utilizing questionnaire. Questionnaire shows list of questions made by researcher and give it to respondents by some use. Questionnaire is obtained efficient in this study as it assists assembly of info from big group of respondent in short time as compared to any other data collection technique.

Secondary data

Secondary data is known as info which is already available somewhere, such as in articles, magazines, journals, internet, website of the company, library books, annual reports.



According to Polit et al., (2001, p.234) sample is known as “a proportion of a population”. Random sampling will be used by the researcher for doing the questionnaire analysis, employees of Ooredoo would be chosen as sample for this study. Random sampling method is suitable for this study as well as to recognize the idea about the recruitment procedure of the company. Sampling will be useful for the researcher as it will help the researcher to get response from the respondents.


Sample Size

The size of the sample will be 50. For study sample, 50 employees will be chosen from Ooredoo. Questionnaire would be allotted to the 50 employees of company.










Time Plan


1 week

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

2 weeks

3 weeks

2 weeks









Literature review








Research Methodology








Data Analysis
















Conclusion, Recommendation








Final report 












Stationery and Paper materials

20 OMR


25 OMR


15 OMR


60 OMR




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